Power diode, power transistor, gate-controlled switch, Gate
Controlled Switch (Gate-turn-off SCR) GCS (GTO) and
programmable unijunction transistor.


General objective  :  To apply the concept of electronic control devices.
Specific objectives :   At the end of the unit you should be able to:
  • Identify  the power of diodes
  • Define the symbol of diodes
  • List the types of diodes
  • Define the characteristics of diodes
  • Define the application of diodes
  • Draw the construction of diodes
  • Identify the power transistor concept


            A diode is a component that allows current to freely  flow through it in  one direction but essentially stops any current from flowing in the reverse direction. Power diodes can be assumed as ideal switches for most applications but practical diodes differ from the ideal characteristics and have certain limitations. The power diodes are similar to pn-junction signal diodes.

            According to the introduction above,  you can see that a PN junction has  all the characteristics of a diode. Thus, from previous discussion on the PN junction, its characteristics apply  to the diode. The legend for Fig. 5.2(a)  could just as well be “ capacitance of a  reverse-biased diode”.

Nearly  all diodes used in electronics today are silicon PN junctions. Silicon is preferred because of its low current leakage. There are also a few  diodes made from germanium PN junctions. They are primarily used when the lower potential barrier voltage of the germanium junction  is advantageous.

            Figure 5.2 (b)  shows a cutaway view of a typical diode that is capable of carrying 2 A of current. One of the diode leads  connects to the  P-type material and the other  to the N-type material. The silicon PN junction is very small: about the diameter of the lead wire and a few thousands of an inch thick. The body of the  of this plastic-encased diode  is about 1/8 inch in diameter  and about 5/16 inch long. The band of the left end of the body identifies the cathode end of the diode. The cathode end of a diode is N-type material and  the anode end is always P-type material. Thus, for a forward-bias diode, the anode must be positive to the cathode.


            The schematic symbol for diode is shown in figure 5. 3 (a). The cathode is represented by the vertical straight line and the anode by the triangle. Figure 5.3 (b) and 5.3 (c) illustrate  forward-biasing and reverse-biasing respectively.


            A number of specific types of diodes are manufactured  for specific applications in electricity and electronics. Some of the more common types are rectifier diodes, zener diodes, varactor diodes, switching diodes and signal diodes. All of  these diodes except  the zener diode are represented by the symbol shown in Fig.5.3.  The zener diode symbol, as shown in Fig. 5.4, uses a different line configuration to represent the cathode.

  Ideally, a diode should have no reverse recovery time. However, the manufacturing cost of such a diode will increase. In many applications, the effects of reverse recovery time will not be significant, and inexpensive diodes can be used. Depending on the recovery characteristics and manufacturing techniques, the power diodes can be classified into three categories. The characteristics and practical limitations of each type restrict their applications:
a.       Standard or general-purpose diodes
b.      Fast-recovery diodes
                        c.   Schottky diodes

5.4.1        Standard or general-purpose diodes.      
            The general-purpose rectifier diodes have relatively high reverse recovery time, typically 25 µs, and are used in low-speed applications, where recovery time is not critical. These diodes cover current rating from less than 1 A to  several thousands of amperes, with voltage ratings from 50 V to around 5 kV. These diodes are generally manufactured by diffusion. However, alloyed types of rectifiers that are used in welding power supplies are most cost-effective and rugged, and their ratings can go up to 300 A and 1000 V.

5.4.2    Fast-recovery diodes

            The fast-recovery diodes have low recovery time, normally less than 5 µs. They are used in dc-dc and dc-ac converter circuits, where the speed of recovery is often of critical importance. These diodes cover current ratings from less than 1 A to hundreds of amperes, with voltage ratings from 50 V to around 3 kV.

            For voltage ratings above 400V, fast-recovery diodes are generally made by diffusion and the recovery time is controlled by platinum or gold diffusion. For voltage ratings below 400V, epitaxial diodes provide faster switching speeds than that of diffused diodes. The epitaxial diodes have a narrow base width, resulting in a fast recovery time of as low as 50 ns. Fast-recovery diodes of various sizes are shown in Figure 5.4.2.


5.4.3    Schottky diodes                

            The charge storage problem of a pn-junction can be eliminated (or minimized) in a Schottky diode. It is accomplished by setting up a “ barrier potential” with a contact between a metal and a semiconductor. A layer of metal is deposited on a thin epitaxial layer of n-type silicon. The potential barrier simulates the behavior of a pn-junction. The rectifying action depends on the majority carriers only, and as a result there are no excess minority carriers to recombine. The recovery effect is due solely to the self-capacitance of the semiconductor junction.
            The recovered charge of a Schottky diode is much less than that of an equivalent pn-junction diode. Since it is due only to the junction capacitance, it is largely independent of the reverse di/dt. A Schottky diode has a relatively low forward voltage drop.


5.5.1  Peak Inverse Voltage

            A diode  can withstand only so much inverse voltage  before it breaks down. The  peak inverse voltage (PIV) ranges from 50 V to 4000 V, depending of the construction. If the rated PIV is exceeded, the diode begins to conduct  in reverse and in many cases, is immediately destroyed.

5.5.2    Maximum Average Current

            There is also a limit to the average  current a diode can carry. The maximum current may range from a few hundred milliamperes to over 4000 A, depending of construction and size of the diode. The nominal current rating depends upon the temperature of the diode, which, in turn, depend upon the way it is mounted and how it is cooled.

5.5.3    Maximum Temperature  

            The voltage across a diode times the current it carries is equal to the power lost, which is entirely converted into heat. The resulting temperature rise of the diode must never exceed  the permissible limits, otherwise the diode will be destroyed.


            Diodes  have many applications, some of which are found again and again, in one form  or another, in electronic power circuit. In the sections that follow, we will analyze a few circuit that involve only diodes. They will illustrate the methodology of power circuit analysis while revealing some basic principles common to many industrial applications. Examples of the applications are :
a.       battery changer with series resistor
b.      battery changer with series inductor
c.       single-phase bridge  rectifier
d.      filter
e.       three-phase, 3-pulse diode rectifier
f.       three-phase, 6-pulse diode rectifier
g.      effective line current: fundamental line current
h.      distortion power factor
i.        displacement power factor harmonic content

5.7              POWER TRANSISTORS

Power transistors have controlled turn-on and turn-off characteristics. The transistors, which are used as switching elements, are operated in the saturation region, resulting in a low on-state voltage drop. The switching speed of modern transistors is much higher than that of thyristors and they are extensively employed in dc-dc and dc-ac converters, with inverse parallel-connected diodes to provide bidirectional current flow. However, their voltage and current ratings are lower than those of thyristors and transistors are normally used in low to medium power applications. The power transistors can be classified broadly into four categories:
1.                  Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
2.                  Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET)
3.                  Static induction transistors (SITs)
                                    4.         Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)

BJTs or MOSFETs, SITs or IGBTs, can be assumed as ideal switches to explain the power conversion techniques. A transistor switch is much simpler than a forced-commutated thyristor switch. However, the choice between a BJT and a MOSFET in the converter circuits is not obvious, but either of them can replace a thyristor, provided that their voltage and current ratings meet the output requirements of the converter. Practical transistors differ from ideal devices. The transistors have certain limitations and are restricted to some applications. The characteristics and ratings of each type should be examined to determine its suitability to a particular application.

            A bipolar transistor is formed by adding a second p- or n-region to a pn-junction diode. With two n-regions and one p-region, two junctions are formed and it is known as an NPN-transistor, as shown in Fig. 5.7 (a). With two p-regions and one n-region, it is called as a PNP-transistor, as shown in Fig 5.7 (b). The three terminals are named as collector, emitter, and base. A bipolar transistor has two junctions, collector-base junction (CBJ) and base-emitter junction (BEJ). NPN-transistors of various sizes are shown in Fig 5.7 (c).


Although there are three possible configurations-- common-collector, common base, and common-emitter, the common-emitter configuration, which is shown in Fig. 5.8(a) for an NPN-transistor, is generally used in switching applications. The typical input characteristics of base current, IB, against base-emitter voltageVBE, are shown in Fig. 5.8(b).  Figure 5.8 (c) shown the typical output characteristics of collector current, Ic, against collector-emitter voltage, VcE.  For a PNP-transistor, the polarities of all currents and voltages are reversed.

There are three operating regions of a transistor: cutoff, active, and saturation. In the cutoff region, the transistor is off or the base current is not enough to turn it on and both junctions are reverse biased. In the active region, the transistor acts as an amplifier, where the collector current is amplified by a gain and the collector-emitter voltage decreases with the base current. The CBJ is reverse biased, and the BEJ is forward biased. In the saturation region, the base current is sufficiently high so that the collector-emitter voltage is low, and the transistor acts as a switch. Both junctions (CBJ and BEJ) are forward biased. The transfer characteristic, which is a plot of VCE against IB, is shown in Fig 5.8(d).

General objective  :  To understand the concept of electronic control devices.
Specific objectives :   At the end of the unit you should be able to:

  • Identify  the Phase-Control Thyristors
  • Identify  the Gate-Turn-Off Thyristors
  • Define the symbol of GTO
  • Identify the Programmable Unijunction Transistor (PUT)
  • Define the symbol of PUT
  • Identify the Uni-junction Transistor (UJT)


            This type of thyristors generally operates at the line frequency and is turned off by natural commutation. The turn-off time,tq, is of the order of 50 to 100 µs. This is most suited for low-speed switching applications and is also known as converter thyristor. Since a thyristor is basically a silicon-made controlled device, it is also known as silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR).
            The on-state voltage , VT, varies typically from about 1.15 V for 600 V to 2.5 V for 4000 V devices; and for a 5500-A  1200-V thyristor it is typically 1.25 V.  The modern thyristors use an amplifying gate, where an auxiliary thyristor TA  is gated on by a gate signal and then the amplified output of Tis applied as a gate signal to the main thyristor TM. This shown in Fig. 6.1. The amplifying gate permits high dynamic characteristics with typical dv/dt of  1000 V/µs and di/dt of 500 A/µs and simplifies the circuit design by reducing or minimizing di/dt limiting inductor and dv/dt protection circuits.


            A thyristor which is in the on-state can be turned off by reducing the forward current to a level below the holding current IH. There are various techniques for turning off a thyristor. In all the commutation techniques, the anode current is maintained below the holding current for a sufficiently long time, so that all the excess carriers in the four layers are swept out or recombined.


A gate-turn-off thyristor (GTO) like an SCR can be turned on by applying a positive gate signal. However, it can be turned off by a negative gate signal. A GTO is a latching device and can be built with current and voltage ratings similar to those of an SCR. A GTO is turned on by applying a short positive pulse and turned off by a short negative pulse to its gate. The GTOs have advantages over SCRs:  (1) elimination of commutating components in forced commutation, resulting in reduction in cost, weight, and volume;  (2) reduction in acoustic and electromagnetic noise due to the elimination of commutation chokes; (3) faster turn-off, permitting high switching frequencies; and (4) improved efficiency of converters.

In low-power applications, GTOs have the following advantages over bipolar transistors: (1) a higher blocking voltage capability; (2) a high ratio of peak controllable current to average current; (3) a high ratio of peak surge current to average current, typically 10:1;  (4) a high on-state gain (anode current/gate current), typically 600; and (5) a pulsed gate signal of short duration. Under surge conditions, a GTO goes into deeper saturation due to regenerative action.  On the other hand, a bipolar transistor tends to come out of saturation.

A GTO has low gain during turn-off, typically 6, and requires a relatively high negative current pulse to turn off. It has higher on-state voltage than that of SCRs. The on-state voltage of a typical 550-A  1200-V  GTO is typically 3.4 V.  A 160-A  200-V  GTO of type 160PFT is shown in Fig. 6.3.


             The programmable unijunction transistor (PUT) is small thyristor shown in Fig. 6.4(a). A PUT can be used as a relaxation oscillator as shown in Fig. 6.4(b). The gate voltage VG is maintained from the supply by the resistor divider R1 and R2, and determines the peak voltage Vp. In the case of the UJT, Vp is fixed for device by the dc supply voltage. But Vp of a PUT can be varied by varying the resistor divider R1 and R2.  If the anode voltage VA is less than the gate voltage VG, the device will remain in its off-state. If  VA exceeds the gate voltage by one diode forward voltage VD, the peak point is reached and the device turns on. The peak current Ip  and the valley point current Iv both depend on the equivalent impedance on the gate RG =  R1 R2 /( R1 + R2) and the dc supply voltage  Vs. in general , Rk is limited to a value below 100 Ω.

            The unijunction transistor (UJT) is commonly used for generating triggering signals for SCRs. A basic UJT-triggering circuit is shown in Fig. 6.5(a).  A UJT has three terminals, called the emitter E, base-one B1, and base-two B2. Between B1 and B2 the unijunction has the characteristics of an ordinary resistance. This resistance is the interbase resistance RBB and has values in the range 4.7 to 9.1 kΩ. The static characteristics of a UJT are shown in Fig. 6.5(b). When the dc supply voltage Vs is applied, the capacitor C is charged through resistor R since the emitter circuit of the UJT is in the open state. The time constant of the charging circuit is    T1 = RC. When the emitter voltage VE, which is the same as the capacitor  voltage vc , reaches the peak voltage Vp, the UJT turns on  and capacitor C will discharge through RB1 at a determined  by the time constant T2 = RB1C.   T2 is much smaller than T1. When the emitter voltage VE  decays to the valley point Vv, the emitter ceases to conduct, the UJT turns off, and the charging cycle is repeated. The waveforms of the emitter and triggering voltages are shown in Fig. 6.5 (c).